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Eli Well’s Take on It: Is It Good to Take Creatine in Summer?

Summer brings longer days and warm weather, making it the perfect time for outdoor activities, sports, and rigorous workout routines. As you push your limits to achieve your fitness goals, you might wonder if taking creatine, a popular supplement among athletes and bodybuilders, is beneficial during the hot summer months. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of creatine, especially in the summer, and provide a comprehensive guide on choosing the best creatine supplements available at Eli Well Nutrition, including 7Nutrition - TCM Creatine, BODY ATTACK - CREAZ POWDER, 7Nutrition - Creatine Creapure®, PVL - (Gold Series) Creatine Creapure®, and Metabolic Nutrition - C.G.P Creatine Glycerol Phosphate.

Understanding Creatine

  • What Is Creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in small amounts in certain foods and produced by the body, primarily in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It is stored in the muscles and used as a quick source of energy during high-intensity activities such as weightlifting, sprinting, and other explosive movements.

  • How Does Creatine Work?

Creatine helps regenerate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy carrier in cells, particularly during short bursts of intense physical activity. By replenishing ATP stores, creatine allows muscles to work harder and longer, enhancing performance, strength, and muscle mass.

Benefits of Taking Creatine

  • Enhanced Muscle Performance

Creatine supplementation has been shown to improve strength, power, and endurance, enabling athletes to perform better during high-intensity workouts. This is particularly beneficial in the summer when outdoor activities and sports are more frequent.

  • Increased Muscle Mass

Creatine promotes muscle growth by increasing water content in muscle cells, enhancing protein synthesis, and reducing muscle breakdown. This leads to greater muscle hypertrophy and improved muscle definition.

  • Improved Recovery

Creatine can aid in faster recovery between sets and workouts, reducing muscle soreness and fatigue. This is especially advantageous during the summer when individuals are more likely to engage in multiple physical activities throughout the day.

  • Cognitive Benefits

Recent studies suggest that creatine may also enhance cognitive function, improving memory and mental clarity. This can be beneficial for maintaining focus and concentration during hot and busy summer days.

Is It Good to Take Creatine in Summer?

  • Hydration Concerns

One of the primary concerns about taking creatine in the summer is hydration. Creatine increases water retention in muscle cells, which can be beneficial for muscle performance but may also lead to dehydration if not managed properly. It's crucial to maintain adequate hydration by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially during workouts.

  • Heat Tolerance

Creatine supplementation can improve exercise performance in hot environments by enhancing the body's ability to tolerate heat stress. However, it's essential to listen to your body and avoid overexertion during extremely hot conditions.

  • Muscle Cramps

There is a common myth that creatine causes muscle cramps, but research has shown that when taken with sufficient water, creatine does not increase the risk of cramps. Proper hydration and electrolyte balance are key to preventing cramps.

  • Overall Benefits

Taking creatine in the summer can provide significant benefits, including improved performance, muscle growth, and recovery. As long as hydration is prioritized, creatine can be a valuable supplement for summer fitness routines.

Best Creatine Supplements for Summer

  1. 7Nutrition - TCM Creatine

7Nutrition - TCM Creatine is a top-quality creatine supplement that combines three different forms of creatine (Creatine Monohydrate, Creatine Malate, and Creatine Citrate) to enhance absorption and effectiveness.


  • Enhanced Absorption: The combination of different creatine forms ensures better absorption and utilization by the muscles.
  • Improved Performance: Increases strength, power, and endurance, making it ideal for summer workouts.
  • No Loading Phase Required: Can be taken without a loading phase, making it convenient and easy to use.

How to Use:

Mix one scoop with water or your favorite beverage and consume before or after your workout.


BODY ATTACK - CREAZ POWDER is a high-quality creatine supplement that uses a patented form of creatine known for its stability and solubility.


  • Stable and Soluble: The patented form of creatine ensures better stability and solubility in liquids.
  • Enhanced Muscle Performance: Supports increased strength and power output during intense workouts.
  • Convenient: Easy to mix and consume, making it perfect for summer training sessions.

How to Use:

Mix one scoop with water or a protein shake and consume before or after your workout.

  1. 7Nutrition - Creatine Creapure®

7Nutrition - Creatine Creapure® is a premium creatine monohydrate supplement known for its purity and effectiveness. Creapure® is a patented form of creatine monohydrate produced in Germany.


  • High Purity: Creapure® is one of the purest forms of creatine monohydrate available.
  • Proven Effectiveness: Supports increased muscle mass, strength, and performance.
  • Safe and Reliable: Produced using strict quality control measures, ensuring safety and reliability.

How to Use:

Mix one scoop with water or your favorite beverage and consume before or after your workout.

  1. PVL - (Gold Series) Creatine Creapure®

PVL - (Gold Series) Creatine Creapure® is another top-tier creatine monohydrate supplement that utilizes the Creapure® brand for unmatched quality and effectiveness.


  • Superior Quality: Creapure® creatine monohydrate is renowned for its high purity and effectiveness.
  • Enhanced Muscle Gains: Promotes increased muscle mass, strength, and endurance.
  • Mixes Easily: Easily dissolves in water or other beverages, making it convenient for summer use.

How to Use:

Mix one scoop with water or a protein shake and consume before or after your workout.

  1. Metabolic Nutrition - C.G.P Creatine Glycerol Phosphate

Metabolic Nutrition - C.G.P Creatine Glycerol Phosphate is a unique creatine supplement that combines creatine with glycerol phosphate for enhanced hydration and muscle performance.


  • Enhanced Hydration: Glycerol phosphate helps improve hydration and water retention in muscles.
  • Improved Performance: Supports increased strength, power, and endurance during intense workouts.
  • No Loading Phase Required: Can be taken without a loading phase, making it easy to incorporate into your routine.

How to Use:

Mix one scoop with water or your favorite beverage and consume before or after your workout.

Tips for Taking Creatine in Summer

  • Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial when taking creatine, especially during the summer. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and monitor your fluid intake to prevent dehydration.

  • Monitor Your Dosage

Stick to the recommended dosage on the product label and avoid excessive intake. Most creatine supplements recommend a daily dose of 3-5 grams.

  • Combine with a Balanced Diet

Creatine is most effective when combined with a balanced diet rich in whole foods, including lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

  • Timing Matters

For optimal results, take creatine before or after your workouts. This helps maximize its benefits on muscle performance and recovery.

  • Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how your body responds to creatine supplementation, especially during hot weather. If you experience any adverse effects, such as cramps or digestive issues, adjust your dosage or consult a healthcare professional.


Creatine is a highly effective supplement for enhancing muscle performance, strength, and recovery, making it a valuable addition to your summer fitness routine. By choosing high-quality creatine supplements like 7Nutrition - TCM Creatine, BODY ATTACK - CREAZ POWDER, 7Nutrition - Creatine Creapure®, PVL - (Gold Series) Creatine Creapure®, and Metabolic Nutrition - C.G.P Creatine Glycerol Phosphate from Eli Well Nutrition, you can ensure you are getting the best products to support your fitness goals.

Remember to stay hydrated, monitor your dosage, and combine creatine with a balanced diet for optimal results. With the right approach, creatine can help you make the most of your summer workouts and achieve your fitness goals. Enjoy the benefits of creatine supplementation and make this summer your best yet for health and fitness.

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